Alistair Begg's "Thief on the Cross"
Ray Ortlund's Crazy Idea & Distorted "gospel"
Kevin De Young: Strive for holiness w/out which no one will see the Master
DesiringGod never apologizes for any teaching in the Bible?
Tim Keller: Buddha vs Jesus (Replies to me from other tweeters)
Dr Steven Lawson: God's unchanging holiness
Consistency required on homosexuality & heterosexual immorality
Thabiti Anyabwile asks whether Jesus ever rebuked a woman?
Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller: 5 counter-cultural practices of early church
TGC: Think Wisely About Leaving Your Church
TGC: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn (their sin)
The Last T4G
Paul David Tripp: Comfortable with sin?
Asst Prof Jared C.Wilson on "law" "doing", "pride" and "gospel"
Dr. Michael Bird wants funds for film promoting egalitarian error
Tim Keller: Buddha versus Jesus
All who take the sword will perish by the sword
Repent from ALL sins. Believe the TRUE Good News. Worship the TRUE Gods.
Resignation & Termination from sports ministry
Why I separated from Heart of God Church