Complementarian & Egalitarian Contradictions
God's long-but-limited-patience & extensive-but-exhaustible-grace
God & Jesus' unconditional & conditional love & favor
Obliged to speak the truth
Pastor John Pied Piper teaches "justified" adulterers to continue committing adultery
Contentious Complementarians: Pastor John Pied Piper's "nature"
Diabolos-Denesh gives transgressing women false assurance of salvation
Thabiti implies God is a Misogynist
Simon Murphy on Women Pastors
Gavin Ortlund: 2 Tim 2v13
Man-made Protestant "gospel" traditions
Tim Keller: Imputed Righteousness of Christ
Trevin Wax: It's time to (Re)Build
Alistair Begg's "Thief on the Cross"
Ray Ortlund's Crazy Idea & Distorted "gospel"
Kevin De Young: Strive for holiness w/out which no one will see the Master
DesiringGod never apologizes for any teaching in the Bible?
Tim Keller: Buddha vs Jesus (Replies to me from other tweeters)
Thabiti Anyabwile asks whether Jesus ever rebuked a woman?
Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller: 5 counter-cultural practices of early church