Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.
We will only enjoy eternal life with Master Jesus in his Kingdom if we live holy lives.
I heavily criticize Protestant teachers on certain points.
But on other points, I agree with them.
For example, I agree with what Kevin De Young preached in this specific clip.
This tweet got 415 views. 7 likes, SEVEN. 1 Retweet.
See how many THOUSANDS view, HUNDREDS like and retweet these more lawless-leaning tweets by other The Gospel Coalition (TGC) teachers.
Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.
But Tim Keller compares Jesus' last words "It is finished" with Buddha's "Strive unceasingly" to imply that Christians need not strive unceasingly. 1170 Retweets. 8861 likes.
Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.
But Ray Ortlund doesn't want commands to preached as commands. That's preaching "law" he says. 182 Retweets. 2179 likes.
Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.
But Alistair Begg presents the "gospel" as if basically no repentance from sin or continuing in faith and bearing fruits in keeping with repentance (Lk3v8) are necessary to be saved from the wrath to come. 439 400 views. 429 Retweets. 1765 likes.
Observation: Cheap-grace-lawless-leaning-less/no-striving messages are popular amongst most Protestants. Most Protestant preachers prefer downplaying or even denying the truth that Christians need to strive for holiness or else they will not see Master Jesus. Most Protestants love their ears to be tickled with such a "Good News".
Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.
Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.
But snakes say "You will not surely die". They teach that women may continue transgressing by teaching men the Scripture or exercising authority over men and still be saved from the wrath to come.
If you warn these transgressing women that they must repent or they will not be saved from the wrath to come, then Thabiti will call you a misogynist:
Simon Murphy will agree with Thabiti and say that you ultimately deny the historic orthodox Christian gospel:
& last but not the least, Diabolos-Denesh will accuse you of preaching a false good news of works not grace and excommunicate you:
So what about?
Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.
Kevin De Young can preach this message but then have no problem at all preaching at the last T4G alongside Alistair Begg and with John Piper who excuses unrepentant adulterers or remaining within The "Gospel" Coalition with men like Tim Keller and Ray Ortlund. https://searchingscripture.wixsite.com/solascriptura/post/the-last-t4g
How do you explain such double talk where the same preacher who preaches for holiness also can turn a blind eye to preachers excusing unrepentant sin?
That is because the Protestant "gospel" contains inherent contradictions.
At one moment claiming that justification is "by faith ALONE".
Then in the very next sentence saying that justification is "not by a faith that is ALONE".
So sometimes the Protestant preacher warns you to repent from sin or you will not be saved from the wrath to come. Justification is "not by a faith that is ALONE", remember?
Then at other times the same Protestant preacher might excuse unrepentant sin. "Justification is by faith ALONE", remember?
Back and forth, back and forth.
The sins that the preacher finds it difficult to call his church members to repent from, he excuses: adulterous "remarriages", women-men issues. "Justification is by faith ALONE", remember?
The sins that the preacher finds it not as difficult to call his church members to repent from, he calls you to repent from. "Justification is not by a faith that is ALONE", remember?
There is no consistency. The Protestant "gospel" contains inherently self-contradictory doctrines that its believers can take advantage of to suit their purposes on an ad-hoc basis. When you don't feel like repenting of a certain sin, just go "justification is by faith ALONE". If anyone calls you to repent and warns you that unless you repent, you will not be saved from the wrath to come, just call him a legalist, a medieval Catholic, a Pharisee and excommunicate him if necessary. If you feel like you can afford to repent of a certain sin, it's not too difficult after all, or it's creating real difficulties in your life right now, then remind yourself that "justification is not by a faith that is ALONE".
See what I mean? Ad-hoc. Inconsistent. Willy-nilly. When it suits me.
So I used to preach this self-contradiction too. But no longer. You shouldn't too.
Heb 12v14: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Master.