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Thabiti implies God is a Misogynist

Updated: May 3, 2022

Thabiti claims to be complementarian. But like many in the complementarian camp, he's not really committed to fully recovering Biblical manhood & womanhood.

Thabiti is fighting against racism. I'm not clear what are his methods and whether they are right or wrong. But it's clear that racism is a sin. It's also clear that... 1 Tim 2v12: I am not permitting a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to be in quietness. So women pastors are not permitted. Those who permit it are sinning.

Unhappy to be challenged about his statement on women pastors, Thabiti launched several tweets...

Some women were unhappy.

For full explanation on 1Tim 2v11-15:

Many are taught "it's not a 1st-order-issue", "let's agree to disagree", "practice theological triage" etc. Man-made traditions that distorts Scripture's teaching on true Christian unity. See:

But the truth is that ultimately, why Protestants can boldly declare that this is not a "gospel" issue is because the Protestant "gospel" has a lawless tendency which downplays the necessity of obeying Jesus' commands.

Many Protestants excuse unrepentant sin by appealing to their man-made traditions like "justification by grace ALONE through faith ALONE (apart from any works), depending on Christ's (imputed righteousness) ALONE". Everything in this paragraph - all man-made tradition.

So I return to where I began.

1Tim2v11-15 teaches that women who teach men the Scripture or exercise authority over men are transgressing. If they repent, they will be saved. If they don't, they won't.

Those who call Apostle Paul's teaching in 1Tim2v11-15 misogynistic ultimately blasphemously call God misogynistic.

Mt12v36-37: I (Jesus) tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Thabiti will be condemned unless he repents.

Many will join him too.

Don't let that be you too.

Videos on 1Tim2v11-15:

*Especially relevant to this post

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